Dr. Kelly Brown is a Naturopathic Doctor practicing in Winnipeg, Manitoba since 2010. Dr. Brown uses a
variety of modalities to treat and maintain health such as nutrition, supplements, botanical medicine,
and acupuncture. She develops her treatment plans by integrating the latest science with traditional
Dr. Brown obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Manitoba.
After graduation, she worked in cancer research at CancerCare MB before returning to school to study
Naturopathic Medicine, at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto Ontario. In 2017,
Dr. Brown returned to the University of Manitoba for a Master of Public Health.
Areas of Care:
Nutrition and exercise/Athletic performance
Women’s Health
Pediatric Consultation
Digestive Health
Professional Memberships:
Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors
Manitoba Naturopathic Association-Registrar and Member
Canadian Alliance of Naturopathic Regulatory Authorities